I Rely mISH mY pAREntS....
bila nk balek nih??
I LOV MY PARENTS tOO MUCH!!! bIla nk BAlek?? Rindu nK meLAwak ngan mak... RiNDU nK dENGAR aYAH bEbel Umah X keMAS...
- kALO baLiK MST BEREBUT tv NGN ayah.. ayah sibuk jer nk tgk berita terkini.. asal kul 8 malm jer kn Bukak TV3.. mcm mn nk tgk AF NIH mak?? mak sy peminat af... AF yg lepas mak VOTE Hafiz,konon2nya Hfiz 2 org sarawak jd kn vote la... eh!! x hingin aq... aq x suka HfIZ TUH!! RAMBUT mcm sarang tebuan.... tebuan masuk x jump jln kluar... tau x mak aq byk vote hafiz?? ahahha.. mak.... sy tetap sokong mak.... petang2 ni slalunya ayah tanam pokok...cari rumah byk pokok,2 la rumah CekGU mAT yok!!!
omos 2 weeks x bAlek umah.. supose dis wek aq balek.. td x jd sbb d test plak dah..
waa!! waa!!!
mggu ni sgt memenatkan.. test berciciran.. x termampu nk kawal... tangan ni x menang... sdgkan aq ni jenis yg kuat tdo.... nk lawan bkn senang... uh!!
mggu dpan pon samer gak...
d quiz lg ni ha...
terima kasih Miss RoZIHanIM kERana Sudi MeMbRI KAMI byk keJA....
but its ok..
i do dis 4 my parents.. kalo x kerana MEREKA , da lama aq giv up.... nk blas jasa mak ayah...
love u MAK , AYAH!!
wat elSE...??
REPort aCTIvity minggu lepas lar...
ni mlm EKSPO kat mushrOM... Mlm ni mmg aq makan sakan lar... penat jgk makan nih... abiskan duit yer??? jagung 2 patot nyer mak cik kasi majerin lebih .. ni x ... serupa mkn jagung kering jer.... jagung org lain d mayonis.... lada... jagung aq kering!! uh!!! x sedap!! rugi duit!!! lg.... beli keteow( .... cmne nk eja ntah...) pak cik 2 mintak kurang senggit pon x bole.... tiap2 mlm makan... mmg 1 proses yg membanggakan la...makan kenyang mmg 1 pekerjaan yg sia2.. hahah... pandai jek .. tp diri sendiri x sedar... bluuuurrr!!
1 comment:
yeah its also a busy week for me.i theres so many thing to clear.start to manage time from now.u must learn how to handle stress and work hard if u want to success.our home is no doubt the peacefull place and i also realy really miss our home.you know what,i plan to work in kl just for few years.perhaps when batrisyia start toddling school then i ll be back to kedah.
yea mum loves AF so much.i love to see when we re gathering together to enjoy AF show every saturday.thats y i bought that small tv to dad for him to watch news at 8 alone.but y omey n u put the tv in your room? eheh
ok...tonite i work nite shift.i ll be back tomoro morning.study hard,study smart,dont eat to much,and don show pic yg sexy2 here...just be fair la..
p/s:succes people always busy to study,soon later can be busy spending money ehehe..InsyaAllah...
---forrest gump---
tonite i work nite shift.
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